Thursday, January 25, 2018

1- Bias in Cable Television News

As a human being its normal to have a certain habit or a repeatable routine. Some habits or routines are positive and help a person get through the day, for example, a cup of coffee for a doctor before he/ she starts a 24-hour shift. A negative habit would be a bus driver constantly texting on his phone while there are passengers aboard. Donald Trump the current president of the United States apparently has a habit of waking up every morning and watching the morning news. President Trump is also a big fan of tweeting, and not above throwing subtle remarks at people who may have been outspoken about him in the past.

It's easy to speak out on another person if there's a cast of nationally televised people backing up your every word. Fox and Friends happen to be the cast of which I speak of. One of the most popular news morning tv shows, but also one of the most openly biased news networks on the air currently. Regardless of how many times Fox & Friends has been called out for their open bias they still remain on air some think that's all due to the current President of the United States having the network in his back pocket. One of the more recent events of Fox & Friends open bias came in late 2017 when Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore was accused of sexual assault. 

All major news networks were busy covering the story, and most likely the day was spent analyzing the allegations. Fox & Friends took a different route by spending just four minutes discussing Moore who had allegedly molested a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 years of age. Fox & Friends decided to cover other topics such as the Texas church shooting, and the NFL boycott. They also decided to cover different Washington Post stories altogether even though it was the Washington Post that published the Roy Moore story first. (  

Between October 5 to October 24 It's also been recorded that Fox News spent a cumulative 12 hours, 32 minutes and 36 seconds discussing the allegations against movie star and Democratic donor Harvey Weinstein, but in contrast, Fox News Anchors breezed over the sexual misconduct allegations impacting Fox itself. Between April 1 and October 24; they devoted just 20 minutes and 46 seconds to the allegations against conservative promoter Bill O'Reilly.This information was brought to light by Media Matters For America and it's plainly apparent that Fox & Friends has been openly biased on more than one account, and usually in support of the Republican party.
